
Our LocationMinhaj University Road, Township, Lahore

Rules for Use of Halal Logo/Mark

  1. Halal Logo or Mark is the copyright of MHC and its correct use is a contractual obligation. Intentional misuse of the mark maybe grounds for actions that may include but not limited to withdrawing the Certificate of Conformity.
  2. MHC exercise proper control over ownership, use and display of licenses, Halal Certificates and Halal Marks of Conformity.
  3. Incorrect references to the Halal Certification system or misleading use of licenses, Halal Certificates or Marks, found in advertisements, catalogues, etc., is dealt with by suitable action.
  4. Halal Certificate Owners who failed to renew their Halal Certificates is not be allowed to use the Halal Mark at the premises or on the manufactured Halal products/services or inside the grocery shop or supermarkets corridors.
  5. MHC will take action and deal with incorrect references to Certification status or misleading use of Certification documents, marks or audit reports. The action may include requests for correction and corrective action, suspension, withdrawal of Certification, publication of the transgression and if necessary legal action
  6. Periodically the information made available to the public and clients (website, brochures, advertising etc.) is checked to ensure that it is current, correct and not misleading.
  7. The Certificate holder will not reproduce a halal Certificate granted in part and/or in a way that would hinder the legibility, nor will be tamper with the original copies or photocopies of the halal Certificate; he will not translate the Certificate and/or test reports in other languages without the control and consent of the company.
  8. The Halal Mark should be printed clearly on all Certified Halal Products and labelled on each box/package.
  9. The Halal Mark/Certificate for certified halal services should be exhibited only at the entrance of the establishment which has been certified.
  10. Companies are allowed to print the color of the Mark suitable to its packaging as long as it does not change the original specification of the Mark
  11. MHC rules governing any Mark it authorizes clients to use assures amongst other things, traceability back to MHC. The rules have provision for instructions on ensuring that no ambiguity, in the Mark or accompanying text, as to what has been certified and that
  12. MHC has granted the Certificate. The rules also cover the prohibition of using the Mark on a product nor product packaging or in any other way that may be interpreted as denoting product Conformity. The rule is available both on website and as hard copy; all certified companies receive a copy of the rules with their Certificate. The rules will make clear that MHC Mark is not permitted to be applied to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports or Certificates.
  13. The Halal Logo/Mark along with Certificate number shall appear on certified product manufactured or produced by MHC certified clients.
  14. Organization also may use the MHC Halal Logo or Mark on pallets that only contain certified Halal products.
  15. MHC Halal Logo approved Certification Companies can use the Mark in promotional material.
  16. Products that are not yet Halal Certified, will not be allowed to use the Halal Mark.
  17. Client organizations cannot use any name, logo/Mark/Symbol or brand name or advertisement or slogan against Islamic values beliefs
  18. MHC Logo must always be obtained from the MHC Office. This will ensure that it contains the exact corporate color and format, as below

Corrective Action for Defective Products or Misuse of Halal Mark
  1. MHC requires the licensee to implement Corrective Action according to ISO/IEC Guide 27 after identification of defective products or conclusive misuse of license, Certificates and Marks. The Corrective Action could be one or more of the following: 
    • Notification of parties authorized and responsible for instituting a recall of defective products
    • Removal of the Mark from the defective products, provided such action is done in collaboration with regulatory authorities who shall ultimately decide whether to accept or reject the products
    • Replacement and scrapping of defective products
    • Reconstruction of the product to comply with the governing Certification requirements
    • Issuance of notice to the general public about the hazard from using the product and corresponding action to be taken
  2. MHC will verify the correct use of the Halal Logo or mark on products at all times. Infringement of these rules by certified organization could lead to sanctions.
  3. When there is conclusive proof, the regulatory authorities shall be notified immediately by MHC of the misuse of license, Certificate and MHC Halal Mark, and the Certification shall be put under warning, suspension or withdrawal, where appropriate.
  4. Withdrawal of right to Certification may lead to legal actions by MHC, when considered necessary after consultation with legal counsel, and notification of appropriate governmental, regulatory and public bodies.
  5. When the corrective action has been resolved by the licensee to the satisfaction of MHC verified through re-evaluation of the product to the extent necessary, the licensee, regulatory authorities and all parties previously notified of the offence shall be given a second notification on the reinstatement of the product Certification. This notification shall summarize the corrective action taken by the licensee, the affectivity date of the reinstatement of Certification, scope of Certification, and when applicable the new marking required for corrected products.
  6. Shall the licensee refuse to take Corrective Action identified by MHC, the Certification is withdrawn and the appropriate governmental, regulatory and public body is duly notified.

Halal Logo Policy Document: