
Our LocationMinhaj University Road, Township, Lahore


  • Minhaj Halal Certification Pvt Limited (MHC) is committed to promote professionalism, excellence in the process of certification, auditing and monitoring by making sure CONFIDENTIALITY as Amanat in accordance with the Shariah (Islamic Law).
  • All information received by or available to MHC members, staff, and / or committee members (in whatever format) received in conducting examination activities, or during other certification activities, or during any dealings with an organization for any other reason shall be regarded as strictly confidential and shall not be revealed to any 3rd party (unless specified in Quality Management System).
  • MHC shall maintain up to date operating procedures and ensure that these procedures support confidentiality
  • MHC defines confidentiality as “Data or communications including conversations, reports, forms, correspondence, and computer-generated communications with, about or involving in any way any client of MHC is entitled to confidentiality”.
  • MHC Employees, outsourced auditors / Technical Experts, Halal Certification Board and Directors are bound by Islamic ethical codes to protect the confidentiality and privacy of our clients and to protect and maintain the confidentiality of all information know about clients.
  • MHC client records maintained by are kept in a locked cupboard at all times except when being reviewed or updated. Client records should always be maintained in the office only.
  • We will continue to identify, analyze, assess, monitor, and document potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of providing quality management certification services. All MHC staff, auditors and committee members shall be required to agree to GMHC confidentiality policy and sign a confidentiality agreement
  • Top management of MHC is committed to full compliance with this statement.

Statement of Confidentiality Document: