
Our LocationMinhaj University Road, Township, Lahore

Implementation of Traceability System Policy for Clients:

  1. Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to establish principles guidelines for the implementation of a traceability system within the Halal certification process. This policy aims to educate clients about the importance of traceability, its benefits in ensuring the integrity of the certification process, and their responsibilities in maintaining traceability requirements.
  1. Scope:
This policy applies to all clients seeking Halal certification services from the certification body. It covers the traceability system requirements throughout the certification process.
  1. Importance of Traceability:
  1. Traceability is essential for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of Halal products and processes.
  2. It enables the identification and tracking of products at all stages of the supply chain, from production   to consumption.
  3. Traceability enhances transparency, accountability, and consumer confidence in Halal-certified products.
  1. Benefits of Traceability System:
  1. Ensures compliance with Halal standards and regulations.
  2. Facilitates quick and accurate recall of products in case of non-compliance or safety issues.
  3. Enhances credibility and trust in the Halal certification process.
  4. Supports market access and international trade by demonstrating adherence to Halal requirements.
  1. Client Responsibilities:
  1. Clients are responsible for implementing and maintaining a robust traceability system within their operations.
  2. Clients must ensure that all products are labeled with unique identifiers and relevant information for traceability.
  3. Clients should keep detailed records of product movements, transactions, and relevant documentation for audit purposes.
  4. Clients must cooperate with the MHC in providing access to traceability information when required.
  5. Clients will enable both customers and consumers to access traceability information through accessible means, such as QR codes or online platforms
  1.  Implementation Guidelines:
  1. Clients shall establish procedures for product identification, labeling, and documentation to enable traceability. Exclusive identifiers will provide detailed product information, including:
    1. Date and place of production.
    2. Expiration date.
    3. Allergens.
    4. Contents.
    5. Product description (brand, etc.).
    6. Laboratory test results if applicable and available.
    7. Certificate authority and certificate number.
    8. Importer information.
    9. Validity of the label.
    10. Label serial number or unique identification number.
  1. Clients should integrate traceability requirements into their quality management systems and operational processes.
  2. Regular training and awareness programs on traceability should be conducted for staff involved in handling Halal products.
  1. Key Elements of the Traceability System:
  1. A secure tracking and traceability system will be implemented for all halal products.
  2. Each product will be marked with a unique, non-copiable identifier that includes security features.
  3. The system ensures the originality and halal status of the product throughout the supply chain.
  4. All unit packages of halal products and outer shipping packages must be marked with a unique identifier.
  5. This identifier will be provided by the designated certification bodies.
  6.         Exclusive identifiers will be securely stamped or glued onto packaging.
  7. These identifiers will be inaccessible and indelible, preventing easy removal or tampering. Importantly, they will not obscure essential product information such as identifiers, price tags, or labels.
  8. Imported products must adhere to OIC/SMIIC standards and relevant halal normative documents to utilize halal marks. If suitable marking mechanisms are followed by the manufacturer/exporter, additional marking is not required upon importing.
  1.   Compliance and Monitoring:
  1. MHC will assess the effectiveness of the client's traceability system during audits and inspections.
  2. Non-compliance with traceability requirements may result in corrective actions, non-conformities, or suspension of certification.
  1.   Continuous Improvement:
  1. Clients are encouraged to continuously improve their traceability systems based on feedback, audit findings, and industry best practices.
  2. MHC will provide guidance and support to clients in enhancing their traceability practices.
  1. Communication:
  1. This policy shall be communicated to all clients during the certification process.
  2. Clients shall be informed of any updates or changes to the traceability system policy in a timely manner.
By implementing this Traceability System Policy, clients will be educated on the importance of traceability, understand their responsibilities, and contribute to maintaining the integrity of the Halal certification process. This ensures that customers and consumers can make informed choices while upholding the principles of halal authenticity throughout the supply chain

Traceability Policy Document: